
A professional copyedit improves the quality of your work by focusing in on areas like accuracy, grammar, style, and formatting.

Not sure what level of copyedit you are looking for? Consider the details below for what level of review is needed.

    • Align all work to style guide used for publication (i.e punctuation, abbreviations, references).

    • Check accuracy of page numbers, tables, figures, and lists; note any that may needed permission for use.

    • Correct errors in word use or grammar.

    • Point out sections that are confusing or may need clarification for readers.

    • Query the author on any seemingly incorrect statements or factual inconsistencies.

  • All aspects of a light copyedit, as well as:

    • Pointing out statements and words that are not outright incorrect, but may not be appropriate in the passage due to tone or context.

    • Writing suggested revisions to confusing or wordy passages.

    • Providing resources to correct facts that seems incorrect or untrue.

    • Point out any instances of poor organization or gaps in logic.

  • All aspects of a medium copyedit, as well as:

    • Revising all errors in grammar and word usage.

    • Rewrite any confusing or wordy passages.

    • Verify and revise factual inconsistencies.

    • Fix any instances of poor organization or gaps in logic.

Upon completion of any level of copyediting, you will receive:

  1. Marked-up documents with changes and comments as needed.

  2. Clean documents with all changes accepted.

  3. A style sheet with any extra decisions made for consistency, so that any new additions to the document match.

Copyediting rates start at $0.020-$0.025 for fiction and $0.030-$0.035 for nonfiction.